Monday, March 28, 2011

Comfy Monday.

Today I felt like doing a little fashion inspiration post, so...

Today's fashion inspiration is:
I'm kind of a history buff/history nerd, so I have about a million old pictures on my computer that were taken before 1950. Including this one, which inspired today's outfit. I love forties style clothing, but not for the reason most people love it. I love the more innocent looks like what the girl in this picture is wearing. I'm not really into the pinup look, I'm all about innocent and girly, and this picture sums that up.

So today in the spirit of the forties, I wore this. I also wore color! My theory is that if I wear enough bright colors, the weather will get the hint and get sunny again! 
I know I said I'm not a jeans and sweatshirt kind of girl, but that doesn't mean I never wear jeans. When I saw the rain today, I caved and grabbed the jeans. They're just too comfortable!

In case it's hard to tell, this is what the tops look like:

While looking through my inspiration photos, I found this gem:
That's my grandpa on the left. Easily one of my favorite photos of all time.

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